CT Price Index for Chemical Plants: Prices for chemical plants continued to rise in the period to February (Picture: Saltigo)
Chemical plants have been significantly more expensive in 2011 compared to 2010. However, this trend weakens from now. From August to November 2011 prices rose by 4.4 and 4.0 compared to the previous year. In the following quarter the rate of increase was only 3.3 percent. This was mainly caused by the important product groups of machines and apparatuses (up 4.4 percent, according to last up 5.2 percent) and pipes and fittings (up 3.5 percent, following growth of 4.4 percent in November).
The CT-price index for chemical plants is updated quarterly. In it, costs for requipment and machinery, piping and valves, instrumentation and control equipment, insulation and paint, electrical engineering equipment and component costs are calculated into an index, based on the year 2005 (= 100). The method was developed by H. Koelbel and J. Schulze.
Details of the CT-price index are available on charge. Paying Subscribers of CHEMIE TECHNIK get the price index for free. Please mail your inquieries to: