The design allows the user of the pump to conveniently open the pump cavity on site and dismantle all rotating parts (Picture: Netzsch)
The concept allows the user of the pump to conveniently open the pump cavity on site and dismantle all rotating parts and simply install them again without having to remove the pump from the pipe assembly. The rotor-stator unit can be simply lifted out after opening the newly designed inspection cover on the pump housing. This significantly reduces the maintenance time and effort. At Achema, the manufacturer will also showcase the smallest T.Proc all-metal pump of the Tornado T2 family, used specifically for low volume flow rates in the processing industry, and the T.Envi 08/200 and 06/300, a pump for larger flow rates in the environmental industry. With this pump up to 10,000 m³/h can be conveyed. One machine is already being used successfully at a sewage treatment plant at Innsbruck, Austria.
Hall 8 – C27
Facts for Decision Makers:
- easy to service
- in-situ maintenance
- new tornado pumps