The network of the Central German chemical sites, the Central European Chemical Network (CeChemNet), combines the six sites in Bitterfeld, Leuna, Schkopau, Böhlen, Zeitz and Schwarzheide which all combined occupy about 5500 hectares. There are 600 companies operating with 30000 employees. CeChemNet is a network of chemical companies and chemical park operators, which successfully links competencies and know-how of chemical park management. The network concentrates regional strengths of chemical park development, creates synergies with the feedstock integration in the Central German chemical triangle and forces the knowledge transfer among its six chemical sites in three German federal states: Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Brandenburg. In close collaboration with the investment and marketing agencies at national and federal state level, CeChemNet coordinates the exchange between industry, sciences and politics and supports marketing activities of the chemical park area. In order to foster the marketing of the investment and innovation location Saxony-Anhalt in the field of chemicals and plastics, the Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (The economic development agency of Saxony-Anhalt, IMG) successfully cooperates with the chemical sites since 2004. The public-private- partnership approach enables the partners to combine their marketing activities. These activities are mainly focussed on the communication of locational key factors such as the dynamic economic progress, the proximity to customers, the availability of skilled employees, the close cooperation with authorities as well as the excellent regional and national transport connections.
Bitterfeld is one of the oldest chemical sites in Europe with large-scale chemical production commencing in 1893. In 2001 the Chemiepark Bitterfeld Wolfen GmbH was privatised to Preiss-Daimler Group. 230 million euros were spent onthe complete renewal of the site infrastructure. The total area is 1 200 hectares of which 140 hectares are immediately available for new business siting. 360 firms with 11,000 staff are working here. Some 4,5 billion euros have been invested to date by companies from Chile, Great Britain, Holland, Israel, Japan, RSA, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and other countries. The industrial profile of the chemical park is characterized by chlorine, phosphorus, dyestuff, pharmaceutical, quartz glass, fine and high-tech chemistry as well as metallurgy. With Hanwha Q.Cells the region has established as one of the highest performing solar locations in Europe. The chemical face of the site is characterized by comprehensive feedstock integration. One example of eco-friendly feedstock integration is the production of synthetic quartz glass.
P-D ChemiePark Bitterfeld Wolfen GmbH
OT Bitterfeld
Matthias Gabriel, Managing Director
Zörbiger Straße 22
D – 06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: +49 (0) 3493 / 72488
Telefax: +49 (0) 3493 / 72817
E-Mail: chemiepark-gmbh@tpnet.de
Internet: www.chemiepark.de
Chemical Site Schwarzheide
Our production site sets new standards
The site in Schwarzheide offers investors outstanding benefits including know-how & skills, speed and competitive conditions.
The chemical site of BASF Schwarzheide is located in the south of Brandenburg and represents a business in the chemical sector of European standard. BASF Schwarzheide is a fully owned subsidiary of the leading global player: BASF – The Chemical Company.
This plant is the third biggest production site of the BASF group and one of the biggest chemical sites in East Germany. More than 1.5 bn Euros have been invested since 1990. As a result, our site offers a modern infrastructure, which provides highly convenient conditions for investors in the chemical and plastics industry.
The newly developed ‘Ready-to-Use‘ concept allows investments to be realized in a minimal time frame. This is enabled through significant treatment of land, creating instantly usable properties, supported by professional and customer focused on-site experts.
This is based on a high level of development of the plots of land, instantly useable properties and the professional and customer-focused support by our dedicated experts on-site.
Our clients benefit from the site‘s central location between the cities of Berlin and Dresden as a convenient connection between Eastern and Western Europe. Also the direct motorway access, the connection to the German Railway network (Deutsche Bahn) and the combi-container-terminal offer excellent logistic connections.
Investors who settle on our site in Schwarzheide can utilize the comprehensive know-how and skills of a global company as well as a network of industrial plants and research facilities within the region. This results in synergies and cost benefits.
BASF Schwarzheide GmbH
Dr. Karl Heinz Tebel, Chairman of the Board
Silke Hinko, Site Marketing
Schipkauer Straße 1
D – 01986 Schwarzheide
Phone: +49 (0) 35752 / 62675
Fax: +49 (0) 35752 / 658308
E-Mail: silke.hinko@basf.com
Internet: www.basf-schwarzheide.de
Chemical Site Leuna
Investments and competence have made Leuna a leading industrial site in Central Germany. More than twenty international groups and numerous SMEs are relying on its location at the heart of Europe and have invested some EUR 6 billion to date. This year the results are already quite good, about EUR 200 million are invested at the Leuna chemical site by several companies. LEUNA-Harze, for example, has installed an epichlorohydrine-plant as well as a chlorine plant with a total investment of around EUR 70 million. Also DOMO Caproleuna GmbH is completing its new a polymerization plant for the production of Nylon and invests about EUR 30 million. In October the new Fraunhofer-Center for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes (CBP) with an investment of EUR 53 million was officially opened in the presence of the German chancellor. ThyssenKrupp Uhde is investing about EUR 15 million for the erection of a pilot plant for the biotechnological production of carboxylic acids.
InfraLeuna GmbH operates and develops Germany‘s largest closed chemical site. Our infrastructure and service concept, significant for the Leuna chemical site, allows you to concentrate on your core competencies and enables suitable conditions for further expansions.
InfraLeuna GmbH
Dr. Christof Günther, Managing Director
Am Haupttor, D – 06237 Leuna
Phone: +49 (0) 3461 / 430
Telefax: +49 (0) 3461 / 433628
E-Mail: pr@infraleuna.de
Internet: www.infraleuna.de
Chemical and Industrial Park of Zeitz
Since its inauguration in the 1930s, the industrial site of Zeitz has been cutting-edge in the German basic chemical industry. Today, more than 50 highly innovative companies, among them almost 20 manufacturers from all over the world, gather in one of Germany‘s smallest but fastest moving-forward chemical parks, the ‘Chemical and Industrial Park of Zeitz‘. Manufacturers such as Italy‘s Radici Chimica (adipic acid and cyclohexanol), US Puralube (base oils), Ukraine‘s Interstarch (industrial starch), and home-grown Munzing (micronized waxes), Deurex (oil and chemical adsorbents), and Jowat (adhesives) have settled here. The park provides optimal conditions both for large-scale and family-owned enterprises. It is managed by ‘Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft‘ which also runs the whole water-usage cycle for its clients: processing water, cooling water, deionized water, permeate, reserve steam, industrial wastewater treatment. Numerous certifications testify they are coming at outstanding quality, continuous availability, and competitive cost. Infra-Zeitz‘s on-site partners complete the package with services from HR recruitment to certified laboratory tests, and pilot installations. The park is located only a few minutes car drive to one of Germany‘s newcomer places to be, buzzing city of Leipzig.
Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft mbH
Mr Arvid Friebe
Director (site development and finance)
Hauptstraße 30
D – 06729 Elsteraue
Phone: +49 (0) 3441 / 84 24 02
Telefax: +49 (0) 3441 / 84 20 29
E-Mail: a.friebe@infra-zeitz.de
Internet: www.industriepark-zeitz.com
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isw Gesellschaft für wissensch. Beratung u. Dienstleistung mbH
Seebener Straße 22
06114 Halle (Saale)