CeChemNet – The partnership is complemented by the participation of the north-east regional association of the Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. (“German chemical industry association”). The different chemical sites are characterized by specific areas of expertise that have arisen from the different privatization models and the transformation process in the chemical industry in Eastern Germany. All operating companies are distinguished by a special professional competence in dealing with complex restructuring processes as well as highly individualized performance spectra and site conditions. Also of particular note is the interlinking of the different sites and companies through a complex feedstock integration of pipelines and logistics networks. Within the framework of CeChemNet the partners follow an objective of developing the existing chemical sites further and to increase their competitiveness while safeguarding and creating jobs. Existing value chains are optimized together in terms of downstream industries. Chemical site networking is intensified within the feedstock networks. CeChemNet provides a basis for mutual experience exchange and contact management in the region and with national and international partners.
Since the mid 1990s, more than 600 businesses have settled, more than 17 billion Euros have been invested and more than 30,000 jobs have been created.
Chemical Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Covering 1,200 hectares, the Bitterfeld-Wolfen Chemical Park is one of the largest areas for chemical and pharmaceutical companies in Europe. In the year 2018 the chemical park is celebrating its 125th anniversary. Thanks to its extensive infrastructure, developed industrial estates and wealth of comprehensive service providers, the location offers perfect conditions for successful growth and minimization of cost.
The profile of today’s Bitterfeld-Wolfen Chemical Park is characterized by a chemical industry focusing on chlorine, phosphorus, dyestuff, pharmaceutical, quartz glass, fine and special chemistry. The site is home to global players and small and medium-sized enterprises alike. More than 300 companies represent a wide range of suppliers, service providers and potential partners. The entire infrastructure of the chemical site has been fundamentally renewed and modernized in recent years.
The location offers investors ideal conditions: 120 hectares of burden-free real estate in different sizes, all the necessary resources, different fuels and chemical raw materials as well as experienced workers. The Chemical Park provides extensive supply and disposal services, thus allowing companies to concentrate on their core business. Our on-site services cater for all the needs of both established companies and startup businesses. The Chemical Park’s own ultra-modern water treatment plant with its flexible and highly cost-effective structures attracts special-needs producers from all over the world.
Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH
Dr. Michael Polk, Managing Director
Patrice Heine, Managing Director
OT Bitterfeld, Zörbiger Straße 22
D – 06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: +49 (0)3493 / 72779
Telefax: +49 (0)3493 / 72817
E-Mail: info@chemiepark.de
Internet: www.chemiepark.de
Chemical Site Schwarzheide
The chemical site Schwarzheide offers investors outstanding benefits including know-how and skills, speed and competitive conditions. Located in the south of Brandenburg the site represents a business in the chemical sector of European standard. BASF Schwarzheide is a fully owned subsidiary of the leading global player BASF.
This chemical site is one of the biggest production sites of the BASF group in Europe and one of the biggest chemical sites in East Germany. More than 1.7 bn Euros have been invested since 1990. As a result, this site offers a modern infrastructure, which provides highly convenient conditions for investors in the chemical and plastics industry. The ‘Ready-to-Use’ concept allows investments to be realized in a minimal time frame. This is enabled through significant treatment of land, creating instantly usable properties, supported by professional and customer focused on-site experts.
The clients benefit from the site’s central location between the cities of Berlin and Dresden as a convenient connection between Eastern and Western Europe. Also the direct motorway access, the connection to the German Railway network (Deutsche Bahn) and the intermodal rail terminal of Bertschi offer excellent logistic connections. Investors who settle on BASF site in Schwarzheide can utilize the comprehensive know-how and skills of the global chemical company BASF as well as a network of industrial plants and research facilities within the region. This results in synergies and cost benefits.
BASF Schwarzheide GmbH
Jürgen Fuchs, Chairman of the Board
Andreas Seide, Site Marketing
Schipkauer Straße 1
D – 01986 Schwarzheide
Phone: +49 (0) 35752 / 2489
Telefax: +49 (0) 35752 / 658308
E-Mail: Andreas.Seide@basf.com
Internet: www.basf-schwarzheide.de
Leuna Chemical Complex
The Leuna Chemical Complex is synonymous with dynamic development, innovation, and efficiency. Since the introduction of the market economy in the former East Germany in 1990, both international corporations and medium-sized companies have invested over 6.5 billion Euros in the Leuna Chemical Complex. Today, Leuna is one of the top addresses for modern chemistry in Europe.
There is a very diverse range of products made in Leuna reflecting the multilayered production profile of the complex. A highly flexible and efficient infrastructure permits traditional mass chemistry as well as specialty chemistry, which is increasingly becoming the focus of many companies. Integration with the refinery in Leuna and the supra-regional pipeline network ensures the advantageous supply of essential raw materials. Research institutions on-site have flexible facilities ideal for the development of highly specialized products.
InfraLeuna’s comprehensive range of activities encompasses the provision of steam, electricity, fresh water, and drinking water, as well as wastewater disposal and other services. Complex logistic solutions including container storage for hazardous goods are also offered. InfraLeuna is owned exclusively by on-site companies who operate their own plants on the complex. The focus at all times is on the business success of the customers as well as the future development of the complex as a whole.
Companies on the complex benefit from an excellent infrastructure as well as a highly developed and complex feedstock integration that promotes synergy effects. To support and grow this network, several on-site companies like CRI Catalyst, DOMO, Global Bioenergies, LEUNA-Harze, TOTAL, and InfraLeuna itself have recently invested some EURO 250 Mio. in plant expansions, new plants, and infrastructural improvements.
InfraLeuna GmbH
Dr. Christof Günther, CEO
Am Haupttor, D – 06237 Leuna
Phone:+49 (0) 3461 / 430
Telefax: +49 (0) 3461 / 434290
E-Mail: pr@infraleuna.de
Internet: www.infraleuna.de
Chemical and Industrial Park of Zeitz
The Chemical- und Industrial Park of Zeitz is an open industrial park aimed at the chemical industry in the South of Saxony-Anhalt. The companies are mostly medium-sized, owner-managed companies with a focus on “sustainable chemistry”. About 600 employees are working in these companies. Another 400 employees are working at the site in companies producing energy, industry-related services, as well as research and development.
Due to intensive research in the field of environmental technology, the Chemical and Industrial Park of Zeitz was awarded model site for the removal of soil contaminations in 2001.
Since its inauguration in the 1930s, the industrial site of Zeitz has been cutting-edge in the German basic chemical industry. Today, more than 50 highly innovative companies, among them almost 20 manufacturers from all over the world, gather in one of Germany’s smallest but fastest moving-forward chemical parks, the ‘Chemical and Industrial Park of Zeitz’.
Manufacturers such as Italy’s Radici Chimica (adipic acid and cyclohexanol), US Puralube (base oils), Ukraine’s Interstarch (industrial starch), and home-grown Munzing (micronized waxes), Deurex (oil and chemical adsorbents) and Jowat (adhesives) have settled here. The park provides optimal conditions both for large-scale and family-owned enterprises. It is managed by ‘Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft’ which also runs the whole waterusage cycle for its clients: processing water, cooling water, deionized water, permeate, reserve steam, industrial wastewater treatment.
Numerous certifications testify they are coming at outstanding quality, continuous availability, and competitive cost. Infra-Zeitz’s on-site partners complete the package with services from HR recruitment to certified laboratory tests, and pilot installations. The park is located only a few minutes car drive to one of Germany’s newcomer places to be, buzzing city of Leipzig.
Infra-Zeitz Servicegesellschaft mbH
Mr Arvid Friebe, Managing Director
Hauptstraße 30
D – 06729 Elsteraue
Phone: +49/ 3441/ 84 24 02
Telefax: +49/ 3441/ 84 20 29
E-Mail: a.friebe@infra-zeitz.de
Internet: www.industriepark-zeitz.com
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Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V., Landesverband Nordost, Geschäftsstelle Halle
Kleine Klausstraße 14
06108 Halle